Croogo 1.4.4 and 1.5.0 Released

By:Rachman Chavik Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Croogo Development Team is happy to announce the release of Croogo 1.4.4 and 1.5.0 (alpha).  1.4.4 is a maintenance release containing a small number of improvements and bug fixes. The detailed changelog can be found here.

Croogo 1.5.0 on the other hand has received a lot of work.  The detailed changelog can be viewed here.


Croogo 1.4.4 and 1.5.0 can be downloaded from

1.5.0 Changelog

1.5 contains a huge number of changes, but the most notable ones are:

  • CakePHP 2.3 is required (tested against 2.3.0-RC1-80-g5f9a371)
  • Nearly all components are now implemented as plugins
  • Inclusion of CakeDC's Search and Migrations plugin
  • ACL updates making it more compatible with default CakePHP implementation
  • Optional Row Level ACL
  • Upgrade Shell
  • Settings Shell
  • CLI installation
  • Admin theme is now responsive (with on Bootstrap and fontAwesome)
  • Defaults to InnoDb storage engine for mysql
  • Manifest files now uses JSON format (plugin.json and theme.json)

A huge thanks to contributors, especially the Occitech crew who have helped a lot in making 1.5.0 a reality.

Posted in:Announcements